Smarter Classroom -->>
Notes: In all version clicking on the title bar makes it go away.
- 2011 Version - Random Student only picks a student who has zero participation points.
- Original Version - 3 colors unlimited pluses
- Updated Version - Click to have the computer pick a student at random. That student's box becomes yellow. 4 colors. Maximum of 4 pluses. On the fifth it goes back to Zero (it allows you to reset students score if the smart board records extra clicks accidentally/ with no extra ui).
- Database Version - loads, color choices, class list, and saved score from database. It also saves score using xmlhttpreq so you can save the score and continue to teach your class. It automatically loads the saved score when the page loads. You can of course clear it with one click to start all over. It also shows a fully customizable header area.
- Content Version. Allows large area for question to be written instead of students name. A close box next to each question erases it so the next question automatically moves up the screen. Also content update feature, and pick a random question. Print allows you to track which questions were answered in the class.
- Links for NYCIST Demo
- Commented Customizable Script for New York City Independent School Technologists members. If you try it out
please fill out the contact form here so I contact you about your thoughts and experience with the script. Thanks in advance. - Scott Wickham
3-3-09 : 8:25pm